• дизайн ресторанного меню

    How to Create a Menu. 8 Basic Tricks (Part 1)

    Did you know that there is a whole science about a proper menu design? Menu engineering deals with the following issues: how to push on a client to spend more in your restaurant and how to encourage him to return.

    A menu is the main tool of this science. We’ve made a list of tricks which will help you to create an effective menu without the help of professionals.

  • Меню ресторана на розовом фоне

    Perfect Menu Checklist

    Each restaurant wants to create a perfect menu design interesting for guests and convenient for the staff. But what is the perfect menu? It has to be not only visually attractive but also well-thought-out to the very smallest detail.

    We have created a checklist which will help you to understand what has to be considered when designing a menu.

  • Ноутбук и чашка на кровати

    Menu Design. How to Combine Fonts Correctly?

    It doesn't matter whether you run a luxury restaurant or a small cozy coffee shop, menu creation is one of the most important processes. When you design a menu, you need to consider two details: it has to be visually attractive and at the same time easy-to-read.

    To do a menu so isn’t hard – you only need to know the basic principles of combining fonts. The art of proper text design is called typography. This topic is covered in the article on key terms in design.

  • Ресторанное меню и еда на столе

    Menu Design. 7 Examples for Inspiration

    A restaurant menu design is a hallmark of any business. Its primary aim isn’t only to acquaint guests with a range of dishes but also to bring the idea and to point out its own merit.

    Fighting for clients, businesses make their best effort to create an authentic and creative menu. Because a unique design is your great chance to make a first and lasting impression on clients.

  • Yellow and white menu on the table

    Menu Design. 4 Rules of a Perfect Dish Description

    The restaurant menu is no longer just a list of dishes and prices. Today, it’s a fully efficient marketing tool by which it is possible to convince customers to order a particular dish.

    According to menu engineering (the study about strategic menu construction), a description is the most powerful way of influencing customers that is able to increase sales by 30%. Therefore, before designing a menu, remember about its great importance.

  • Checklists

    Checklist of Restaurant Promotion

    An eye-catching menu design, stylish photos of dishes, usable website – such simple at the first glance marketing tools would not only help to keep regular customers but also to attract new ones.

    In order to help you to draw attention to your business without unnecessary expenses, we’ve created a checklist of ideas.

  • Flowers and laptop on the table

    Restaurant Menu Design. 4 Rules of Unique Composition

    Nowadays creating a menu design with own efforts is no longer a difficult and baffling task. The availability of easy-to-use online editors, free templates and training video materials allows quickly and easily to get things done. However, to create a really unique and “clinging” design it is important to lean on basic design rules.

    In this article, we’ll talk about 4 simple rules that will help you to break ground in the creation of your ideal layout.

  • Plate with food on the table

    7 Restaurant Industry Trends 2019

    The restaurant business is one of the most complex and ever-changing industries, because almost every day new cuisine directions and ways to attract a customer emerge. In order to be always up-to-date, the restaurant has to be flexible – to change dishes rapidly, to experiment with the menu and its presentation.

    We’ve picked up 7 major trends in 2019 for you, that are worth your attention if you want to remain interesting for guests.